Friday, April 23, 2010

The Election hots up!

It's been a fascinating week because there's a general election in Britain and I must admit, I don't know who to vote for. I don't like any of them! Tony Brown's got like a funny way with him, I don't even know who this Tony Clegg is that everyone's talking about, and I can't stand Tony Cameron's wife. In fact, I don't like any of their wives, with their silly smiles and views on things - what do I care what some young dolly bird says?! I once wrote to the Prime Minister to get him to do something about curtain material - it's so thin nowadays, but all I got was what I call a no-thank-you-very-much letter. So I'm afraid I don't put much faith in politicians! I'm too old to believe anything can ever change for the better in any way whatsover at all!

Anyway, I shall be making up my mind who to vote for before election day which I won't forget because it coincides with when Malcolm does my hair - and in fact, I'm tickled pink because he did it yesterday and everyone - absolutely everyone remarked on how nice it was. Michael came round and said the queen mother herself couldn't look nicer, and that if I didn't 'watch out' they'd make me the new Dr Who assistant! But I don't think that's very likely! Apart from anything else, I've got very little acting experience (actually, none, but I'd say 'very little' if they asked).

Anyway, Dolly seems to be giving me the cold shoulder because she's under the impression that I ate her cake, which her son gave her. And in fact, I did eat it, but it was so dry I might as well have not bothered and in fact I think I spared her the disappointment - but I don't expect gratitude from that quarter! Anyway, she's been terribly worried because her grand-daughter was stuck in Italy because of the Icelandic volcano - about which, I may say, I've never heard so much codswallop! How can there be a volcano in Iceland - I suppose snow comes out of it, does it?! So the Met Office got that one wrong for starters again!

On another note, there's a stain the bathroom that I can't rid of, though I scrub and scrub.


Anonymous said...

Yes, I've noticed there's a tendency for cake to by drier these days - I imagine there's some kind of 'skimping' at the bakery, though if you try to complain they look at you as if you're a moaning minnie! Have you tried gin? (On the stain)


Anonymous said...

I'm absolutely certain that I typed 'be drier' and not 'by drier' in my previous post, but if you say that kind of thing to a computer technologist they look at you as if you're mad! By the way, if the gin doesn't work, I've heard that vodka is very good (on the stain)

Anonymous said...

Just testing. I had an accidental spillage on the keyboard earlier, and I just want to make sure it's still 'sending'.

Anonymous said...

Well, that's a relief.